Denise Erenstone denisek9@gmail.co
Clean up debris along Highway 86 three times a year.
E-Mails, Website and Membership
Renate Schachenmayr hrschach@gmail.com
Send e-mails for club communications
and necessary mailings throughout the year.
Maintain Garden Club website
and membership list.
Green Thumb Awards
Awards are given to residents who have made
new or outstanding gardens.
Historian and Photographer
Takes pictures at Club meetings and activities.
Provides pictures to publicity chair
for newspaper articles about the Garden Club.
Executive Committee Members
Greet members and guests at all events.
Phone Committee
Carol Fox cnyfox@aol.com
Program Committee Coordinator
Cheryl Morris breezy1961@verizon.net
Plans and makes arrangements
for monthly events, lunches, and speakers.
Patricia Hofbauer tabledressings52@gmail.com
Monthly column about Garden Club events
and gardening tips in local media.
4th of July Parade
Executive Committee Members
Organize Garden Club
representation in annual parade.
Joy Hayes timeonmyhands01@gmail.com
Telephone # 832-276-4382
Receives and maintains reservation list
for each event requiring reservations in advance.
Communicates with the Event Chair and President.
Maintains a sign-in sheet at each event
and forwards it to the Membership Chair or President
at the conclusion of the event.
Small Gardens Coordinator
Faith Brown moosewood3@yahoo.com
Volunteers help in local public gardens
on an informal basis.
Triangle Garden
Patricia Hofbauer tabledressings52@gmail.com
Meets monthly at 4pm
(opposite North Elba Show Grounds)
for garden maintenance.
Bring tools and gloves.
Refreshments follow by sponsoring establishments
after an hour of work.
Village Holiday Swags
Paula Politi papoliti26@yahoo.com
Club members
make winter swags to decorate various areas of the Village.
Ways and Means
Pat Hofbauer tabledressings52@gmail.com
Provides floral arrangement for monthly meeting.
In charge of all raffles.
©2024 Garden Club of Lake Placid